Daily Message 4-6-19

Daily Message  4-6-19

Messenger of Air

Messages that come in today are clear cut with no miscommunication. Events may be unfolding pretty fast. Sometimes, things can happen that are pretty stressful, bringing about change and transformation. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

Life is full of events both big and small. There’s no way around that. But you choose how you will react in each situation. Will you respond the same way you always have, or will you learn a new way of thinking and behaving?

Today’s Message – 4-2-19

Today’s Message – 4-2-19

4 of Air

Tired? Worried? Low energy kind of day? Today’s the day for some much-needed rest and relaxation. Find some time just for you. Take a long bath, sip on some green tea, say your affirmations. Whatever gives you peace and brings your energy up; go for it! You’ve been thinking about it for a while now. So, do it!

Things are happening pretty fast in your world. Could be coincidence, could be you manifesting something great! Either way, that rest and relaxation will do you so much good! Take as much time as you need. Your body will thank you!