Daily Message – 4-5-19

Daily Message – 4-5-19

Ace of Water

Love is brewing! The unconditional, overflowing, and abundant kind of love. It can start out as a little pearl. But this little guy isn’t putting it down! Now is the time to love and let yourself be loved!

This is a new emotional beginning. With all the excitement, don’t forget to show some compassion for yourself and for others. A little bit of kindness everyday can help to keep our own love cup full.

Today’s Message – 4-3-19

Today’s Message – 4-3-19

9 of Water

It is ok to say no to what is not right for you! You have that right! Take pride in your work and all your endeavors. Because now is the time for your wish to be fulfilled! Whatever that may be, it is here now for you to enjoy!

Now is the time to pause, and to acknowledge what it is that you have manifested into your life. It is ok to feel good about it! If you haven’t seen this wish fulfilled yet, just know it is on its way!